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NSE & BSE will launch a beta program for T+0 settlement, effective Thursday, March 28th, 2024 to Commence Optional T+0 Settlement Pilot for Selected 25 Securities In accordance with the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) guidelines, with market timings being continuous between 9:15 a.m. and 1:30 p.m

SEBI introduces New The T+0 settlement beta version- 

The T+0 settlement as per SEBI refers to the process where the trade settlement happens on the same day of the transaction. SEBI introduced a beta version of the T+0 rolling settlement cycle on an optional basis, in addition to the existing T+1 settlement cycle in Equity Cash Markets. This was announced in a circular dated March 21, 2024. 

The new T+0 settlement cycle will reduce transactional risks and enhance market efficiency, providing immediate liquidity to investors and increasing trading opportunities while reducing settlement risks.

The Key features of the T+0 settlement are:

  • Same-Day Settlement: Trades are settled on the same day of the transaction, which is a significant shift from the traditional T+1 settlement cycle.

  • Reduced Transactional Risks: Immediate settlement reduces the risks associated with the time gap between trade execution and settlement.

  • Enhanced Market Efficiency: Provides immediate liquidity to investors, increasing trading opportunities and reducing settlement risks

  • Optional Basis: The T+0 settlement cycle is introduced on an optional basis alongside the existing T+1 settlement cycle.

  • Beta Version for Testing: A beta version is launched for a limited set of securities and with a limited set of brokers to assess the system’s performance.

  • Stakeholder Consultation: SEBI continues to consult with stakeholders, including users of the beta version, to gather feedback and make necessary adjustments.

Timing for trade in T+0 settlement-

The trading under the T+0 settlement will be conducted from March 28, 2024, with market timings being continuous between 9:15 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. This timing applies to the beta version of the T+0 settlement for the selected 25 scripts. All charges applicable for T+1 settled securities will also apply for T+0 settled securities.

The list of stocks that will be included in the T+0 settlement cycle are:

1. Ambuja Cements Ltd.

2. Ashok Leyland Ltd.

3. Bajaj Auto Ltd.

4. Bank of Baroda

5. Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd

6. Birlasoft Ltd

7. Cipla Ltd.

8. Coforge Ltd

9. Divis Laboratories Ltd.

10. Hindalco Industries Ltd.

11. Indian Hotels Co. Ltd.

12. JSW Steel Ltd.

13. LIC Housing Finance Ltd.

14. LTI Mindtree Ltd

15. MRF Ltd.

16. Nestle India Ltd.

17. NMDC Ltd.

18. Oil and Natural Gas Corporation

19. Petronet LNG Ltd.

20. Samvardhana Motherson International Ltd

21. State Bank of India

22. Tata Communications Ltd.

23. Trent Ltd.

24. Union Bank of India

25. Vedanta Ltd

This initiative is part of a beta version to assess the performance of the T+0 settlement system.


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